What Happens When Daddy’s Little Girl Brings Home A Leather-Clad Biker With A Heart of Gold? – SPOTLIGHT – Mark My Words by author Madison Kline

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Sloane Markowitz is not accustomed to taking orders from anyone, least of all, her old-fashioned and boisterous father Artie Markowitz. But when Sloane comes home with the announcement that she plans to marry her long-time beau in just two months time, Artie has a different idea.

Artie Markowitz is a firm believer in traditions and values. When his youngest daughter Sloane brings home her leather-jacket clad, motorcycle riding bad boy fiance, Artie nearly has heart failure. Sloane has another thing coming if she thinks her father’s blessing will come easily. Can Artie learn to like his future son in law and allow his daughter to follow her heart?

Sloane wants a small, fun and intimate destination wedding, but Artie wants his daughter’s wedding to be a grand, traditional affair. Will the two bull-headed Markowitz’s come to a compromise? Or will their stubborn-streak sabotage the wedding altogether?

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain. Sloane is not on this roller coaster ride alone.

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My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Addison-Kline/725017510857868

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7305263.Addison_Kline

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A.C. Haury

Author of Shadows of Morrow and Book Reviewer for Bibliophile Book Reviews

“I know every secret my mother ever had. They were whispered in my ears as my mind fell to dreams. Slowly, they became my own to tell. Every secret my father longed to hide, came to light in the glow of the pale moon.” – Tristan Morrow, from the mystery novel, Shadows of Morrow.

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