10 ♥ Book Review ~ Today Only by Author Derinda Love



Book Info
Title ~ Today Only
Author ~ Derinda Love
Genre ~ Contemporary Romance Fiction
Release Date ~ May 11, 2013
Publisher ~ Lizzy Ford
Cover Design ~ Airicka Phoenix
# Of Hearts ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (Yes 10 – My First Ever)

I know Shelfari.com, Goodreads.com & Amazon.com only allow for 5 Stars – but there is no way I could give this book anything less than 10. So on those sites there may be only 5 but here on my personal blog it is 10 out of 10.

In life, there are times you are granted a miracle. It may not be the one you wanted exactly, but it will be the one you need. It will prepare you for the next step in your journey and help you learn to accept the life you are given, even if that life can be heartbreaking.

♥ Buy Your Kindle Copy Here At AMAZON


Today Only by D. Love


3-Personal Review

Right from the start I can feel the anguish Rye Silcox is feeling. Her urgency to be with her daughter, to see her grow, to not miss anything. Her daughter Em, what a breath of fresh air she is. Had me laughing and crying and then laughing again. Em just wriggles right into your heart from the very start of this book.

Jett, what can you say, well exactly what Em says “Bow Chicha Wow Wow” – LOL. Come on military man, nice body, good looking, caring, loving, devoted, completely amazing. Yes my heart melted. I love how gentlemanly he is, call me old fashioned but I love a man who respects women enough to open doors, pay for meals, hold their hands, etc. I may be independent but to me that is a sign of a strong man who can endure all things and sadly there are too few of those left.

Jett had my heart aching for him. Crying my eyes out at the losses he has suffered. Reading him talk about it, the losses, trying to deal with it – you can feel what he is feeling. Author Derinda Love did an amazing job drawing you into their lives, into the story, making the store the here and now. I felt like I was a character sitting in the same room everyone else was in. I think I cried and laughed more in this book, within the very same page even, than I have in any other book I have ever read. Everything the characters in this book go through, every emotion, it just pours out of the pages.

I I know what it is to be a struggling single mom, it has been my life’s story. But to be a single mom who is dying with a 10 year old daughter – how heartbreaking. Rye has an amazing support system with lots of love from family and friends. But her one dream has never come true. Jett could be that dream. But with her diagnosis she just refuses to go there. She feels as though it is an unobtainable dream and unfair to Jett.

Let me suggest – don’t read this book while you are at work, especially at your desk while your system is down. I am not a big fan of spoilers, but I have to say, the car accident scene in this book completely ripped my heart apart. I was blubbering at my desk uncontrollably and yes everyone was staring at me like I had lost it. Well I did lose it LOL. The scene is so moving, so heart wrenching and so touching all at one time.

As heart wrenching as that was, what Rye learns from it sets her onto a whole new path, one of discovery, life and love. I really enjoyed watching Rye go down this new path. Seeing her experience her dream.

I loved one of the sayings Rye and her sister Katy mention. Something their mom always says. “Always remember the bread and butter. When two things belong together, you cannot separate them.” Simple yet very powerful words right there.

This book was very hard for me to read – having lost my mother to a year long battle with one of the most aggressive and fast spreading cancers, the loss of my mom was ever present throughout this entire book. And yes the last few chapters of this book were the most heart wrenching, moving, emotional and touching. The words within the last few chapters are very profound and will be with me always.

I close this review by saying thank you Derinda for such an amazing, heart felt, passionate, funny, touching, loving, emotional roller coaster of a ride. My heart is so much better for having read this book. And I dedicate this review to my mother Ruth Ann Gauthier – gone from this earth but never gone from my heart. All my love ~ Tonya

Live Today…
Love Today…
Smile Today…
I Will See You Today…
~ Jett’s Poetry



2-Book Excerpt


    From the kitchen, I hear Katy yell for her mom. She sounds frantic.

    I dart into the dining room and see Rye lying on the floor. Kneeling beside her, I check her pulse then open her eyelids to check the dilation of her eyes. My heart is flying and though I don’t display it, I feel as panicked as Katy.

    “Mark, can you carry Rye to her room?” Dee calls to her son-in-law.

    “No, I will!” I snap when Mark reaches for her.

    I reach down, gently placing one arm under Rye’s knees and the other under her head to brace her neck. Her face is pale, but her heartbeat is strong, and she’s breathing deeply.

    “Can you tell me where her bedroom is?” I ask Dee.

    Dee walks me to her room. I lower Rye carefully to the bed then straighten, glancing around. Bottles of medicine line her nightstand, and there’s an IV pole off to the side. My thoughts return to the brain tumor for the first time since I learned of it. I didn’t want to think about it, not when I was enjoying my time with her. I could help her regain her mobility after the accident. I can do nothing about a brain tumor. I guess I hoped I wouldn’t have to face that reality just yet.

    “How long?” I whisper to Dee, no longer able to ignore the signs before me.

    “We don’t know,” Dee replies, her eyes sad and glassy, “We have to wait for the next MRI to see if it’s grown. They found the tumor over a year ago, but due to the location, they are unable to remove it.”

    The words fall like blows. I can’t believe I’m hearing them. I can’t believe the beautiful, sweet, kind woman I spent two weeks talking to in the hospital – will soon be gone for good.

    “Jett.” The note in Dee’s voice draws my attention. “I think its best you walk away now. She and Em don’t need anymore heartbreak.”

    Despite the warring emotions, I know this isn’t how I want it to end.

    “I spent every day while I was in Iraq thinking it was my last. I lived and loved everything from one day to the next,” I say, taking a deep breath. “With the utmost respect Ms. Silcox, I will do the same with Rye. I refuse to walk away.”

    She looks me in the eye and smiles. “I knew you would feel that way, but I needed to give you the option. I can’t see her in more pain than she is now, if you decided you can’t do this.”

    “No more options or advice when it comes to Rye,” I tell her firmly. “I know what I want, and I know what I need to do. One thing I’ve learned: life is not promised to anyone.” Every instinct of my body supports this decision.

    I turn and walk to the kitchen to grab Rye a bottle of water. When I return, I see Dee, sitting beside Rye’s bed and reading to her. Em is sprawled out at the end of the bed doing homework, while Katy is wiping Rye’s forehead with a damp cloth.

    My first thought is how calm and routine the scene appears. I’m touched by their affection and dedication.

    I go to the other side of the bed and run my finger down the bridge of Rye’s nose, whispering, “I’ll see you in the Morning. Sleep well.”

    I stand up to go, whine I notice a pen and paper on Rye’s desk. Pausing, I write a quick note then leave the room.



5-Meet The Author


I live in Maine. My biggest passion is for my family and friends. I adore loving others as if it is the biggest gift life can offer. I’m a read-a-holic, loves chocolate, cowboys and everyone on Young Adult & Teen Readers Facebook page. My dream is to travel to Australia one day and see a kangaroo. I am nothing but simple. I do a lot of volunteer work.

I have 2 beautiful daughters. 4 grandchildren, that constantly ask me if I lived in the black & white days.
My inspiration would be my daughters. Rita for her strength to keep fighting and constantly trying to take care of me, even though sometimes she can’t get out of bed & Kayla, for helping to pick up all the pieces that seem to fall when times get rough, and the love they have for me.



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8 responses to “10 ♥ Book Review ~ Today Only by Author Derinda Love

  1. Thank you so much for this amazing review and post! I am so happy you enjoyed Today Only and gained so much from it! I hope you have a beautiful day!


  2. Pingback: Comment on 10 ♥ Book Review ~ Today Only by Author Derinda Love by Derinda Love | Eclectic Books·

  3. Reblogged this on My Family's Heart Book Reviews and commented:

    I am reposting this because this is by far one of the best books I have ever read. I loved this book so much I gave it 10 ❤ 's my first ever rating that high (none before and none after) this book is emotional, inspirational, moving. You really have to read this book if you haven't already. – Tonya


  4. Pingback: My Top 16 Favorite Books & Honorable Mentions for 2013 | My Family's Heart Book Reviews & Tours·

  5. Pingback: *~*10 Heart – Personal Review of After Today by author D. Love @DerindaL | My Family's Heart·

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